isolation saturday

 17. decembre 2022/ dayrating: 4/10

Social distancing and interacting/communicating starts to become burden. I miss my people, like really hard. 

Got up at around 8 today. My mom called me, asking if I was ok, how are things doing and stuff. Asian Parents overprotective as fuck. Especially my dad: "oh dont forget to eat and drink. You need anything? Should I bring you some medicine or vegetables?" and these questions like every 2-3 hours. ANNOYING!

Im grown up, my goodness. I can handle myself pretty well and also, did I have recovered by a lot, not fully but a lot! Got to the grocery store afterwards to buy breakfast. Got there a second time for some more stuff. This was like the main event of my day. 

The rest: I spend a ton of time in front of my phone/laptop/iPad watching any kinds of videos. From esport to movies and vlogs and lets plays. Also did some cooking and cleaning up. Tomorrow Im gonna return to berlin, but just to spend some time on my computer lol. Bye, bye. 2022 rewind
probably inspired by Spotify rewind

video legitimation process

If I would workout, this would be a great dinner. 


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